Berlin Artist Collaboration

The Berlin Artist Collaboration launched in 2023, commissioning a multimedia installation from Berlin-based collective Kling Klang Klong. Kling Klang Klong specializes in sonic experiences and is comprised of local non-German artists, highlighting the diversity of backgrounds in Berlin’s creative community.

 The piece, Meandering River, focuses on themes of climate change and is displayed in the ground-floor windows of Audible’s Berlin studios alongside a QR code to a snippet from the Audible Original Planet A - Nur mal kurz die Welt retten: Staffel 1 (Planet A – Just Saving the World).

Hear the artist’s story.

Meandering River | Kling Klang Klong and Onformative (2023)

"Meandering River" is an audiovisual installation composed of real-time images generated by an algorithm and music composed by an AI. This digital artwork makes change perceptible by creating a unique awareness of time. The work reinterprets the changing behaviour of rivers by visualising and setting to music their impact on the earth's surface.

Meandering River ist eine audiovisuelle Installation, die sich aus von einem Algorithmus generierten Echtzeitbildern und von einer KI komponierter Musik zusammensetzt. Dieses digitale Kunstwerk macht Veranderungen wahrnehmbar, indem es ein einzigartiges Zeitbewusstsein schafft. Das Werk interpretiert das sich verandernde Verhalten von Flussen neu, indem es ihre Auswirkungen auf die Erdoberflache visualisiert und vertont.

Curator: Clara Sauer
AudioGuide Narrator: Anne Due

Artwork | Digital Installation

Location | Schumannstrasse 6, 10117 Berlin, Germany