Raise Your Voice (2022)

Raise Your Voice is a Newark Artist Collaboration special project that commissioned local designers, illustrators and artists to create a citywide visual campaign of typography-forward interpretations of the statement Raise Your Voice. The artists’ vibrant and rhythmic compositions are presented as temporary storefront installations at sites citywide, with a Places app QR-accessed audio component that features the words of prominent Newarkers.

The Raise Your Voice campaign includes artworks by Dahlia Elsayed, Gabe Ribeiro, Gisela C. Ochoa, Jahi Kijo Lendor and RORSHACH, paired with audio clips from The Book of Baraka by Mayor Ras J. Baraka, Proof of Love by Chisa Hutchinson, Force of Beauty by Mikki Taylor and Raising the Game by Anthony Frasier.


Gabe Ribeiro

Dahlia Elsayed

Gisela C. Ochoa

Jahi Kijo Lendor

494 Broad Street

560 Broad Street

617 Broad Street

12 Linden Street

251 Washington Street

513 Central Avenue

715 Broad Street

Images courtesy of Rex/Redens Desrosiers and Charles David Photography.

Thank you to Fidelco Realty Group, L&M Development, Hanini Group, RBH Group, Paramount Assets, and the Urban League of Essex County for providing the locations for this special project of the Newark Artist Collaboration.